RSS-12 Rigid Structure Sabot 12 ga (50/bag)

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RSS-12 Rigid Structure Sabot 12ga           (50/bag)

The RSS-12 utilizes .50 caliber Hornady 350-grain pistol bullets. The RSS-12 is our second phase in a long-term component development program. Sabots are highly dependent upon the bore and barrel environment of each individual shotgun barrel. As a result, lightweight sabots can be exquisitely accurate out of some barrels, but lacking accuracy in other types of barrels.

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*Limited data for the RSS-12 is available only in brochure form (supplied with order upon request) and is not included in the Slug Manual.

Loading Notes and Warnings: All slug barrels are not created equal.  Some slug barrels are made in a very light and thin style and bore diameters can differ significantly.  If your slug barrel is thin (.040" - .060") at the muzzle or anywhere else (use a micrometer) it is recommended that you do not use that barrel with this component.  (For instance, a very strong Mossberg slug barrel recently measured boasts .110" thickness, almost three times the thickness of an imported lightweight slug barrel.)

In all RSS loads it is important to press the bullet down into the bottom of the RSS.  Do not assume the fold crimp process will accomplish this for you. The gas seal and sabot must be seated firmly upon the propellant.  Likewise the FS12 gas seal is a tight fit and must be pressed down firmly to make positive contact with the powder and expel excess air from the propellant chamber.

Product Type: Sabot (does not include bullet or projectile of any kind)
Size: 12-gauge, 2-3/4"
Specifications: Diameter: 0.712" Length: 1.195" Thickness: 0.140"

Typical Loads:
 .50 cal 350-grain XTP bullet from Hornady.
Made in USA