BPI Load Guide: Wad Slitting
Our lab describes how and why to slit wads. Learn how to achieve pattern enhancement with your technique, including variables of how many petals and length of slits.
Here is a list of all our current BPI Load Guide Brochures:
Part# | Description |
00BBISMUTH | Bismuth Shot Reloading |
00BBX410 | .410 Bore Rifle Loads |
00BCRIMP | Diagnosing & Curing Crimping Problems |
00BENGLDS | English Style Game Loads |
00BFAIL | Diagnosing Hull Failure |
00BHOTCOL | Hot & Cold Weather |
00BLG | Little Giant 20ga 3 lead loads (revised) |
00BPOPPER | Popper Loads |
00BRECON | Brochure: Hull Reconditioning Kit |
00BROLL | Roll Crimping Info |
00BSHORT | Loading Shortened Hulls |
00BSLIT | Wad Slitting Info |
00BST | Intro to Steel Target Loads |
00BSUB | Subsonic Loads |
00BTEST | Why Test Load Results Vary |
00BTHUG | Thug Slugs |