Reloading Brass Shotshells Manual

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Reloading Brass Shotshells, 1st edition               by R.H. VanDenburg, Jr.
The only loading manual of its kind in the world! 
In cooperation with Magtech, manufacturer of brass shotshells, we are proud to announce the publication of Reloading Brass Shotshells. This manual was written by famed industry expert Mr. R.H. VanDenburg, Jr.
Load Data:
Data at this time is available for 12ga, 16ga, and 20ga

This is the first edition of this manual and we will be adding to our library of loads over time. Purchasers of the 1st edition will be eligible for complimentary data updates as soon as they become available. These loads feature all black powder and black powder substitute propellants (e.g., Triple Se7en, Pyrodex, etc.). There are no smokeless loads at this time.
  • Step-by-step instructions
  • In-depth load and ballistic information
  • Easy-to-use data charts
  • Data in lead and ITX Shot: 55 loads for 12ga, 42 loads for 16ga, and 36 loads for 20ga - all by R.H. VanDenburg, Jr.
 Magtech Brass Hulls are imported from Brazil.  Make sure to stock up when your size is available.