Exacta Trim Gauge Plug for Trim Doctor (all gauges)

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ExactaTrim Gauge Plug                  (for the Trim Doctor)
Our Trim Doctor II tool is two tools in one: 
  1. A shotshell case length trimmer that produces exacting cuts and ideal short cases.
  2. A case disassembly tool.

Our ExactaTrim adaptor bushings assure tight cuts with no spiraling and they are available in additional sizes to make your Trim Doctor II even more versatile:

  • 10ga  (#0310001 10)
  • 12ga  (#0310001 12)
  • 16ga  (#0310001 16)
  • 20ga  (#0310001 20)
  • 28ga  (#0310001 28)
  • .410  (#0310001 .410)

As a shell disassembly tool, the Trim Doctor works on any gauge, 10ga through .410. Just remove the threaded guide, insert loaded shell into opening and gently turn the shell while applying slight pressure to the blade guide. The top of shell will pop off cleanly after a few turns. 

The Trim Doctor will pay for itself many times over by allowing you to retrieve components from reject shells and by allowing further firings out of many hulls with tired crimps.